
What’s New In 2022

Our core value at World’s Fascinating Miss is that every person is valuable and has a story worth telling. So many times pageantry overlooks the fascinating in favor of the predictable for the sake of “branding”. When we created this program in the early months of 2018, there was no way we could’ve predicted what would happen to the world and how all our lives would change.

While we were revolutionary in some aspects, looking back, we were still stuck with some remnants of the “old way” of doing things. We’ve learned a lot over the last few years and had the opportunity to re-evaluate every aspect of World’s Fascinating Miss. We’ve given an overview of what has changed, but let’s take a deeper dive into what has changed and why.

As stated in our previous update, we’ve combined ages 13-20 to comprise World’s Fascinating Miss with the option to subdivide into World’s Fascinating Jr Miss (13-17) and World’s Fascinating Miss (18-20) depending on the number of entrants and their age spread. While this may seem counterintuitive, we believe that these young women share many common challenges such as peer pressure, education, work, or social media despite their age difference. We also believe that socializing with older and younger peers benefits both age groups. The choice to split delegates under 18 from those over 18 was made for ease of contractual obligations since minors are not able to enter a legal agreement without parental consent.

World’s Fascinating Miss believes that family and education come before appearances. Additionally, we believe that self-care is one of the most important ways to serve others. It is impossible to help others if you are struggling to keep your head above water. This is why family support is so crucial to a titleholder’s year of service. We understand that families have multiple obligations and so we have reduced the number of appearances for this age group. We ask that you be active in your community to the best of your ability in whatever form that may take.

Social media posting will be minimal and should be curated by parent/guardian for titleholders aged 13-17. Titleholders 18+ may manage their own official account if they choose, however, if they prefer a social media manager/momager so they can focus on what is truly important in life, then we support that decision 100%. If your delegate prefers to have their official account managed by the pageant office, that is perfectly acceptable. All we ask is that any posts and public behavior while wearing World’s Fascinating Miss regalia be rated PG both on your personal and official royalty accounts.

For 2022’s virtual competition, there are only two categories: Interview and Presentation.

For Interview, any outfit that is appropriate for church, a holiday event, business interview, or school awards program is acceptable. Shop your closet. Please do not acquire “pageant interview” clothing for this event. We want to see what style of clothing fascinates your delegate and get a feel for her personal style.

For Presentation, your delegate will have the opportunity to share what means the most to her. For this, she can wear whatever makes her most comfortable or helps present her message. If she’s an eco-enthusiast and wants to wear trash fashion, go for it. A budding fashion designer could wear her own designs. A sports enthusiast could wear her sports uniform. A scientist or medical professional in training could wear scrubs or a lab coat. The sky is really the limit. Just be authentically yourself. Speak from the heart. We are looking for real passion, not “pageant patty”.

For both areas of competition, your delegate should be comfortable in her own skin and in what she’s wearing. If she has piercings or tattoos, fun colored hair, or an edgy style, she should rock that look because it’s part of what makes her so fascinating. We will never ask a delegate to hide her true self to compete. World’s Fascinating Miss does not discriminate based on race/ethnicity, body shape/size/height, body art/piercings, gender assigned at birth, or sexual orientation. These factors will have no bearing on placements in any way, shape, or form. Further, there is no “diversity quota” to be filled.

Our judging panel will be given this same information and asked to make their selections based on these criteria. Results will be determined by call-backs. The judges will select their top 5 in order of preference. From these semi-finalists, a Top 3 will be determined and will be re-presented to the judging panel in no particular order. Each judge will then make their choice for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place respectively. The delegate with the most 1st placements will be announced as World’s Fascinating Jr Miss/Miss. In the event of a tie for final placement, the Chairperson of Judges will be the deciding vote.

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