What do you get when two seasoned pageant professionals come together? In the case of World’s Fascinating Miss, you have the dynamic duo of Kim Gafford and Nina Suluh. Little did they realize in 2012 when their daughters competed in the same age division at a prestigious Central Florida state pageant that 6 years later they would become great friends and an even greater force for excellence in pageantry. What started as an after-pageant conversation over dinner at Perkins became a mission to be a disrupting force in the pageant industry. By changing certain aspects of pageantry, throwing it back to pageantry’s golden age in others, throwing other aspects away completely, and approaching competition from the perspective of the participants, parents, and support personnel, Kim and Giovannina are taking pageantry where it has never gone before. Get ready for pageantry like you’ve always wished it could be!

Kim Gafford is a pageant professional who has been intimately involved in pageantry for over a decade. With experience in hair and makeup artistry, she has numerous state and national titleholders to her credit. As a mentor, she has helped young ladies of all ages find their inner beauty and confidence to be their best. Her wealth of knowledge and experience with such systems as National American Miss and Miss American Coed as a royalty mom has given her a unique insight into what makes a pageant great.
With an eye toward the future and a unique perspective on competition and logistics, Kim Gafford is determined to create an experience unlike any other for each and every young woman at World’s Fascinating Miss.

Nina Suluh is no novice in the world of pageants and their related industries: modeling and entertainment. Nina’s professional background was preceded by years of preparatory studies in acting, modeling, dance, piano and voice. Ms. Suluh’s love of pageantry has its roots in her personal pageant competition history and as the winner of seven national titles and over 20 state and local titles as well as directing live pageants in the Central Florida Area since 2012.
As a professional in the arts and entertainment, Ms. Suluh’s resume includes the following: Commercials/Infomercials; Video Promos; Industrial Videos; Runway & Print Modeling; Live Theater; VoiceOver; Ballroom Dance Instructor; Choreographer & Costume Designer, as well as TV appearances and video & film production skills including Staging, Teleprompter Tech, Script Editor.
Nina’s talents, knowledge, support team, sponsors, and industry contacts offer an exceptional opportunity for those aspiring to move into the spotlight of pageantry, modeling, and entertainment.